The Key Statistics series provides summary figures covering the full range of topics from the census. These figures are available from national level down to the very small census output areas.
An area profile is available for this data source
KS001 - Usual resident population
This dataset is about Usual Resident Population. It shows all people in England and Wales. In the 2001 Census information was collected for usual residents. A usual resident was generally defined as someone who spent most of their time at a specific address. This dataset shows both the 2001 population, the 1991 population, along with the rate of change, the split of the population between those living in households and those living in communal establishments, the size of the area in hectares, population density and the number of students away from home in the area
KS002 - Age structure
This dataset is about Age. It shows all people in England and Wales. The age variable was created from responses to the 2001 Census question on date of birth, and is the age at a person's last birthday.
KS003 - Living arrangements
This dataset is about Living Arrangements. It shows all people in England and Wales aged 16 and over in households, by their living arrangements. For example, whether they are living as part of a cohabiting couple, or are not living in a couple and are single or divorced.
KS004 - Marital Status
This dataset is about Marital Status. It shows all people in England and Wales aged 16 and over, by their legal marital status.
KS005 - Country of birth
This dataset is about Country of Birth. It shows whether people were born in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Other EU Countries or Elsewhere.
KS006 - Ethnic group
This dataset is about Ethnic Group. This variable was created from responses to the ethnic group question in the 2001 Census. The ethnic group question records each person's perceived ethnic group and cultural background. The tables covers all people, and shows the detailed 16-way classification of ethnic groups.
KS007 - Religion
This dataset is about Religion. It shows all people in England and Wales by religion stated. As the religion question was voluntary, missing responses were not imputed for this question. Those who did not answer this question are included under the 'Religion not stated' category of the variable.
KS008 - Health and provision of unpaid care
This dataset is about Health and Provision of Unpaid Care. It provides information for all people in England and Wales relating to limiting long-term illness, general health and any provision of unpaid care.
KS009a - Economic activity
This dataset is about Economic Activity. Information relates to whether or not a person was working or looking for work in the week before the Census. The concept of Economic Activity is compatible with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition of economic status. The population of the table is all people aged 16 to 74. There are separate tables available giving the same information split by gender.
KS009b - Economic activity - males
This dataset is about Economic Activity. Information relates to whether or not a person was working or looking for work in the week before the Census. The concept of Economic Activity is compatible with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition of economic status. The population of the table is all males aged 16 to 74. There are separate tables available giving the same information for females and for all people.
KS009c - Economic activity - females
This dataset is about Economic Activity. Information relates to whether or not a person was working or looking for work in the week before the Census. The concept of Economic Activity is compatible with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition of economic status. The population of the table is all females aged 16 to 74. There are separate tables available giving the same information for males and for all people.
KS010 - Hours worked
This dataset is about Hours Worked. It covers all people in England and Wales aged 16 to 74 in employment, giving information split by males and females.
KS011a - Industry of employment
This dataset is about Industry of Employment. It shows the Industry of Employment for all people aged 16 to 74 in employment. There are separate tables available giving the same information split by gender.
KS011b - Industry of employment - males
This dataset is about Industry of Employment. It shows the Industry of Employment for all males aged 16 to 74 in employment. There are separate tables available giving the same information for females and for all people.
KS011c - Industry of employment - females
This dataset is about Industry of Employment. It shows the Industry of Employment for all females aged 16 to 74 in employment. There are separate tables available giving the same information for males and for all people.
KS012a - Occupation groups
This dataset is about Occupation. It shows all people aged 16 to 74 in employment, bu their occupation. It uses the top level (least detailed) of SOC2000 (Standard Occupation Classification). There are separate datasets available giving the same information for Males and Females.
KS012b - Occupation groups - males
This dataset is about Occupation. It shows all males aged 16 to 74 in employment, bu their occupation. It uses the top level (least detailed) of SOC2000 (Standard Occupation Classification). There are separate datasets available giving the same information for Females and All People.
KS012c - Occupation groups - females
This dataset is about Occupation. It shows all females aged 16 to 74 in employment, bu their occupation. It uses the top level (least detailed) of SOC2000 (Standard Occupation Classification). There are separate datasets available giving the same information for Males and All People.
KS013 - Qualifications and students
This dataset is about Qualifications and Students. Information within this dataset comes from responses to a number of questions relating to qualifications and whether people were full-time students or schoolchildren from the 2001 Census. The dataset also shows the number of students and schoolchildren in the area by age, and full-time students by economic activity.
KS014a - NS-SeC
This dataset is about Socio-economic classification. It shows the usual resident population aged 16 to 74 by their socio-economic classification. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) was introduced by the Government to replace Social Class based on Occupation and Socio-Economic Groups (SEG). The NS-SeC is an occupationally based classification but has rules to provide coverage of the whole adult population. The population of this dataset is all people aged 16 to 74. There are separate tables available giving the same information separately for Males and Females.
KS014b - NS-SeC - males
This dataset is about Socio-economic classification. It shows the usual resident population aged 16 to 74 by their socio-economic classification. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) was introduced by the Government to replace Social Class based on Occupation and Socio-Economic Groups (SEG). The NS-SeC is an occupationally based classification but has rules to provide coverage of the whole adult population. The population of this dataset is all males aged 16 to 74. There are separate tables available giving the same information separately for All People and Females.
KS014c - NS-SeC - females
This dataset is about Socio-economic classification. It shows the usual resident population aged 16 to 74 by their socio-economic classification. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) was introduced by the Government to replace Social Class based on Occupation and Socio-Economic Groups (SEG). The NS-SeC is an occupationally based classification but has rules to provide coverage of the whole adult population. The population of this dataset is all females aged 16 to 74. There are separate tables available giving the same information separately for All People and Males.
KS015 - Travel to work
This dataset is about Travel to Work. It shows all people aged 16 to 74 in employment, by means of travel to work, average distance travelled to work, and the numbers of public transport users in households with and without cars or vans. The means of travel to work is that used for the longest part, by distance, of the usual journey to work. The distance travelled to work is the distance in kilometres of a straight line between the residence postcode and workplace postcode.
KS016 - Household spaces and accommodation type
This dataset is about Household Spaces and Accommodation Type. It shoes whether household spaces have residents, and if not whether they are vacant or second residences/holiday accommodation. It also shows the accommodation type of those household spaces, for example the whole of a terraced house, or a flat in a purpose-built block of flats.
KS017 - Cars or Vans
This dataset is about Cars or Vans. Information on the number of cars or vans is based on the number of cars or vans owned, or available for use, by one or more members of a household. It includes company cars and vans available for private use. The count of cars or vans in an area is based on details for private households only. Cars or vans used by residents of communal establishments are not counted. Households with 10 or more cars or vans are counted as having 10 cars or vans.
KS018 - Tenure
This dataset is about Tenure. It shows all households by whether they own or rent their accommodation and, if rented, whether it is rented from the Council, Housing Association/Registered Social Landlord, Privately rented or Other
KS019 - Rooms, amenities, central heating and lowest floor level
This dataset is about Rooms, Amenities, Central Heating and Lowest Floor Level. It shows a range of information including average household size, the average number of rooms per household, amenities available to the household and the lowest floor level of the accommodation occupied by the household.
KS020 - Household composition
This dataset is about Household Composition. Households consisting of one family and no other people are classified according to the type of family and the number of dependent children. Other households are classified by the number of dependent children or whether all student or all pensioner. The population of the dataset is all households.
KS021 - Households with LLTI and dependent children
This dataset is about Households with limiting long-term illness and dependent children. It shows all households, and whether there are any adults in employment, whether there are dependent children in the household, and whether there are one or more people in the household with a limiting long-term illness.
KS022 - Lone parent households with dependent children
This dataset is about Lone Parent Households with Dependent Children. For the purposes of this dataset, a lone parent is defined as a parent with a dependent child living in a household with no other people (whether related to that dependent child or not). The dataset shows lone parebt households by whether the parent is male or female, and whether they are in part or full-time employment.
KS023 - Communal establishment residents
This dataset is about Communal Establishment Residents. A communal establishment is defined as an establishment providing managed residential accommodation. Managed means full-time or part-time supervision of the accommodation. This dataset gives information on residents by type of communal establishment
KS024 - Migration
This dataset is about Migration. The information comes from responses to questions on the 2001 Census on residents usual address and the address one year ago. It shows the proportions of people who moved in and out of the area, together with some ethnic group information.The population of the table is all people. Given the nature of the information, there are separate files for the different levels of the geographical hierarchy.
KS025 - Knowledge of Welsh
This dataset is about Knowledge of Welsh. It shows different categores of knowledge of Welsh such as understanding spoken Welsh only, and Speaks, reads and writes Welsh. The dataset is available for Wales only and covers all people aged 3 and over.