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England and Wales






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This dataset is about Migration. The information comes from responses to questions on the 2001 Census on residents usual address and the address one year ago. It shows the proportions of people who moved in and out of the area, together with some ethnic group information.The population of the table is all people. Given the nature of the information, there are separate files for the different levels of the geographical hierarchy.

Statistical Disclosure Control

Figures have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data

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About the variables

Migration/ethnic group (14 categories)

People whose address one year ago was within the area but whose current address is outside the area but within the UK; expressed as a percentage of current population of the area. People in these columns do not appear in columns relating to total migrants.


Release calendar

Release DateStatusReference Period
There have been no releases.

Revisions and corrections

Date of revisionDates affectedComment
There have been no revisions or corrections.