These 1961 Census data represent the first outputs from a program of statistical archaeology projects to make more historical census outputs available in digital form.
Small Area Statistics (SAS) tables
The 1961 SAS data have significant differences compared to data for more recent census data. Key considerations are listed below and we recommend familiarising yourself with the 1961 SAS User Guide (pdf) before accessing the data.
Geographies: Data was not produced for all areas. Local authorities in England and Wales could request figures for enumeration districts, parishes and/or wards. Not all local authorities requested this data, and those that did, did not necessarily request data for all area types or all possible tables. Where data was not requested it was not produced.
Incomplete data: The digitised SAS data may also be incomplete due to difficulties or inconsistencies during the digitisation process. In addition, data may have been produced but the ONS does not hold copies of it.
For example, approximately 40% of parishes and 60% of wards in the 1961 Census had SAS data produced for them. Of those wards and parishes with data produced, over 99% of that data was able to be recovered. As more of the historic census outputs are digitised, it may be possible to plug some of the gaps.
Terminology: The information is presented using the language and terminology used in the original reports. No attempt is made to update or modernise the text.
Beta release: The 1961 Census SAS is being made available in stages as beta releases. As such, we aim to improve how the data is presented based on feedback. Please contact us at with your thoughts on all aspects of the 1961 SAS data and supporting documentation.
The digitisation of historical census outputs is only possible if the original data is available. If you are aware of historic census outputs held within your organisation that you feel would benefit from digitisation, particularly at lower levels of geography such as enumeration district, please get in touch.
County and Topic Reports
This data represents digitised versions of tables from the 1961 Census county and topic reports. These datasets are being published as part of an ongoing project to digitise census data previously only available in print.
The tables available are the first of several batches of releases. More data will be added as it becomes available. At present the data is available at a district level and above. Lower levels of geography will be included in further releases
County Reports: Contain statistics for each county on a number of different subjects. Tables of this type include 'CR' in their table reference.
Topic Reports: Contain statistics on certain subjects, such as industry and workplace, for England and Wales as a whole.
Terminology: The information is presented using the language and terminology used in the original reports. No attempt is made to update or modernise the text.
Formatting: These tables are presented in a format which has been designed to be the most accessible and usable to a modern audience. As such they may not be in the same format as originally printed and the presentation will differ from the tables seen in the original county and topic reports.
Corrections: During processing of the digitised data, some errors were identified in the original printed versions. Where possible these have been corrected. This means that some of the values presented here will be different to the original printed versions.