The midyear (30 June) estimates of population are based on results from the latest Census of Population with allowance for under-enumeration. Available at Local Authority level and above.

National population projections: 2022-based

Potential future population size and structure based on assumed levels of future fertility, mortality and migration. Available for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland at country level.

Population estimates - local authority based by five year age band

The midyear (30 June) estimates of population are based on results from the latest Census of Population with allowance for under-enumeration. Available at Local Authority level and above.

Population estimates - local authority based by single year of age

The midyear (30 June) estimates of population are based on results from the latest Census of Population with allowance for under-enumeration. Available at Local Authority level and above.

Population projections - local authority based by single year of age

Potential future population size and structure based on assumed levels of future fertility, mortality and migration. Available at Local Authority level