A residence based labour market survey encompassing population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by gender, age, ethnicity, industry and occupation. Available at Local Authority level and above. Updated quarterly.
annual population survey
A residence based labour market survey encompassing population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by gender, age, ethnicity, industry and occupation. Available at Local Authority level and above. Updated quarterly.
annual population survey - households by combined economic activity status
A household based labour market survey providing data for 'working', 'mixed' and 'workless' households.
annual population survey - households with dependent children and type
There is no description for this dataset.
annual population survey - regional - economic inactivity by reasons
There is no description for this dataset.
annual population survey - regional - employment by occupation (SOC2010)
This dataset provides regional Annual Population Survey data for Employmet by Occupation. The occupation hierarchy giving including all four levels of the Standard Occupational Classification 2010.
annual population survey - regional - ethnicity by industry
This dataset provides regional Annual Population Survey data for Ethnicity by industry. There are 9 ethnicity classifications by 18 industry sections.
annual population survey - regional - labour market status by age
This dataset provides regionals Annual Population Survey data for Labour market status by age. The age structure includes a 0-15 category, with quinnary age bands to beyond State Pension Age, including higher level bands. As well as the normal labour market statuses, employment is further broken down to full-time/part-time and employee/self-employed/other.
annual population survey - regional - occupation (SOC2010) by sex by employment type
There is no description for this dataset.
annual population survey - regional - occupation (SOC2020) by sex by employment type
There is no description for this dataset.
annual population survey - workplace analysis
A workplace based labour market survey. It includes topics such as economic activity, country of birth, occupation, qualification, hours worked etc.
labour force survey - national and regional - headline indicators (seasonally adjusted)
National and regional headline indicators of employment, unemployment and economic activity
model-based estimates of unemployment
There is no description for this dataset.
labour force survey - quarterly: four quarter averages
The labour force survey (LFS) is a quarterly sample survey carried out by interviewing people about their circumstances and work. it is the biggest regular household survey in this country and provides a rich and vital source of information about labour force using internationally agreed concepts and definitions. The quarterly LFS dataset on Nomis is not seasonally adjusted.
local area labour force survey
Superceded by Annual Population Survey (APS). An annual labour force survey, compatible with the APS useful for data prior to 2004.