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England and Wales





Travel to work

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This dataset is about Travel to Work. It shows all people aged 16 to 74 in employment, by means of travel to work, average distance travelled to work, and the numbers of public transport users in households with and without cars or vans. The means of travel to work is that used for the longest part, by distance, of the usual journey to work. The distance travelled to work is the distance in kilometres of a straight line between the residence postcode and workplace postcode.

Statistical Disclosure Control

Figures have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data

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About the variables

Method of Travel to Work (15 categories)

The distance travelled is a calculation of the straight line between the postcode of place of residence and postcode of workplace

Excludes working at home, no fixed place of work, working at offshore installation, working outside UK.

For the purposes of this table, public transport is defined as Underground, metro, light rail or tram; train; bus, minibus or coach.

The number of people who travel to work by public transport who live in a household with/without a car or van is expressed as a percentage of the number of people who travel to work by public transport. These figures may not sum to 100% as residents of communal establishments who travel to work by public transport are not included in these counts.


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