This dataset provides 2011 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 to 74 in employment the week before the census in England and Wales by industry. The estimates are as at census day, 27 March 2011.

This classification uses a variable that provides a more detailed breakdown of manufacturing professions than the normal industry variable. Although similar estimates were provided in 2001 in table UV34, there has been a number of changes to the grouping. For example "Fishing" is now combined with "Agriculture and forestry" where in 2001 it was a single category.

This information is used to assign a code to the industry an individual works in using the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (UKSIC). This enhances the quality of occupation coding and is required at a local level to understand economic performance and analyse local labour markets. It also provides information for policy development and monitoring land use, transport and housing needs.

The statistics show trends in employment by industry and help planners to develop or revise employment land policies. For instance, there might be an increased demand for land for retail and office usage but decreasing demand for traditional manufacturing industries. In combination with information about occupation, this information will be particularly useful for economic development, regeneration and monitoring labour market trends.

Information supplied by these questions is used as a base for forecasts of employment (by sector, occupation and industry) and for transport planning. It is also used to identify any associations between the characteristics of individuals and industry, for example to highlight a concentration of groups of people in industries associated with low-paid employment.|

Statistical Disclosure Control
In order to protect against disclosure of personal information from the 2011 Census, there has been swapping of records in the Census database between different geographic areas, and so some counts will be affected. In the main, the greatest effects will be at the lowest geographies, since the record swapping is targeted towards those households with unusual characteristics in small areas.

More details on the ONS Census disclosure control strategy may be found on the Statistical Disclosure Control page on the ONS web site.
Table ID
Census 2011
Employed (in employment), Industry, Main job, Usual Resident
England and Wales
Area types
Output area and above
Latest data
Last updated
2013-01-30 09:30
Rural Urban, Industry
01329 444 972
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