This dataset provides 2011 estimates that classify usual residents in England and Wales living in households by household composition (using the age of the household members, with no account of the relationships between them). The estimates are as at census day, 27 March 2011.

Estimates that provide insight into household and family relationships aid in the analysis of social structure and help to monitor the changes in the composition and types of households. They are used to inform planning for the services needed to support different types of households and families, for example lone parents, a high concentration of children, or large families. This allows local authorities to assess levels of overcrowding or to identify areas with the potential for higher than average birth rates and an increased demand for health and other services.

Similar estimates from the 2001 Census were provided in table UV47.

Statistical Disclosure Control
In order to protect against disclosure of personal information from the 2011 Census, there has been swapping of records in the Census database between different geographic areas, and so some counts will be affected. In the main, the greatest effects will be at the lowest geographies, since the record swapping is targeted towards those households with unusual characteristics in small areas.

More details on the ONS Census disclosure control strategy may be found on the Statistical Disclosure Control page on the ONS web site.
Table ID
Census 2011
Dependent child, Household, Household composition, Usual Resident
England and Wales
Area types
Output area and above
Latest data
Last updated
2013-01-30 09:30
Rural Urban, Household Composition
01329 444 972
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