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England and Wales






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This dataset is about Socio-economic Classification. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74 by their socio-economic classification. The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) was introduced by the Government to replace Social Class based on Occupation (also known as the Registrar General's Social Class) and Socio-Economic Groups (SEG).

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Figures have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data

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About the variables

NS-SeC (51 categories)

'Not classifiable for other reasons' includes people whose occupation has not been coded and those who cannot be allocated to an NS-SeC category.

For long-term unemployed year last worked is 1999 or earlier.

In the NS-SeC classification, all full-time students are recorded in the 'full-time students' category regardless of whether they are economically active or not.

NS-SeC stands for National Statistics Socio-economic Classification.


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