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This dataset is about Qualifications. It shows the usual resident population in England and Wales aged 16 to 74, by their highest level of qualification. The highest level of qualification variable was derived from responses in the 2001 Census to both the educational and vocational qualifications question, and the professional qualifications question.
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Figures have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data
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About the variables
Highest Level of Qualification (7 categories)
The highest level of qualification variable uses both the educational and vocational qualifications question, and the professional qualifications question. No qualifications: No academic, vocational or professional qualifications. Level 1: 1+ 'O' levels/CSE/GCSE (any grade), NVQ level 1, Foundation GNVQ. Level 2: 5+ 'O' levels, 5+ CSEs (grade 1), 5+ GCSEs (grade A - C), School Certificate, 1+ 'A' levels/'AS' levels, NVQ level 2, Intermediate GNVQ or equivalents. Level 3: 2+ 'A' levels, 4+ 'AS' levels, Higher School Certificate, NVQ level 3, Advanced GNVQ or equivalents. Level 4/5: First degree, Higher Degree, NVQ levels 4 - 5, HNC, HND, Qualified Teacher Status, Qualified Medical Doctor, Qualified Dentist, Qualified Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor or equivalents. Other qualifications/level unknown: Other qualifications (e.g. City and Guilds, RSA/OCR, BTEC/Edexcel), Other Professional Qualifications.
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