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variable (119 categories)
'Not classifiable for other reasons' includes people whose occupation has not been coded and those who cannot be allocated to an NS-SeC category.
'Other industry' includes other community, social and personal service activities, private households with employed persons and extra-territorial organisations and bodies.
Car or van availability includes any company car or van if available for private use.
For long-term unemployed year last worked is 1999 or earlier.
In the NS-SeC classification, all full-time students are recorded in the 'full-time students' category regardless of whether they are economically active or not.
The occupancy rating provides a measure of under-occupancy and overcrowding. For example a value of -1 implies that there is one room too few and that there is overcrowding in the household. The occupancy rating assumes that every household, including one person households, requires a minimum of two common rooms (excluding bathrooms).
The term 'no qualifications' describes people without any academic, vocational or professional qualifications. The term 'lower level' qualifications is used to describe qualifications equivalent to levels 1 to 3 of the National Key Learning targets (i.e. GCSE's, 'O' levels, 'A' levels; NVQ levels 1-3). The term 'higher level' refers to qualifications of levels 4 and above (i.e. first degrees, higher degrees, NVQ levels 4 and 5, HND, HNC and certain professional qualifications).
The terms used to describe tenure are defined as: Other social rented includes rented from Registered Social Landlord, Housing association, Housing Co-operative and Charitable Trust. Private rented: renting from a private landlord or letting agency, employer of a household member, or relative or friend of a household member or other person.
Read more...Age (11 categories)
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