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This dataset provides 2001 Census estimates that classify usual residents aged 16 to 74 in England and Wales by sex and NS-SeC by highest level of qualification. The estimates are as at census day, 29 April 2001.

The highest level of qualification variable uses both the educational and vocational qualifications question, and the professional qualifications question. No qualifications: No academic, vocational or professional qualifications.
Level 1: 1+ 'O' levels/CSE/GCSE (any grade), NVQ level 1, Foundation GNVQ.
Level 2: 5+ 'O' levels, 5+ CSEs (grade 1), 5+ GCSEs (grade A - C), School Certificate, 1+ 'A' levels/'AS' levels, NVQ level 2, Intermediate GNVQ or equivalents. Level 3: 2+ 'A' levels, 4+ 'AS' levels, Higher School Certificate, NVQ level 3, Advanced GNVQ or equivalents.
Level 4/5: First degree, Higher Degree, NVQ levels 4 - 5, HNC, HND, Qualified Teacher Status, Qualified Medical Doctor, Qualified Dentist, Qualified Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor or equivalents.
Other qualifications/level unknown: Other qualifications (e.g. City and Guilds, RSA/OCR, BTEC/Edexcel), Other Professional Qualifications.

NS-SeC stands for National Statistics Socio-economic Classification.

In the NS-SeC classification, all full-time students are recorded in the 'full-time students' category regardless of whether they are economically active or not.

'Not classifiable for other reasons' includes people whose occupation has not been coded and those who cannot be allocated to an NS-SeC category.

Statistical Disclosure Control

Figures have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data

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About the variables

Sex (3 categories)


NS-SeC (16 categories)

'Not classified' includes people who have not been coded, those who cannot be allocated to an NS-SeC category and all full-time students regardless of whether they are economically active or inactive.

'Not classifiable for other reasons' includes people whose occupation has not been coded and those who cannot be allocated to an NS-SeC category.

For long-term unemployed year last worked is 1999 or earlier.

In the NS-SeC classification, all full-time students are recorded in the 'full-time students' category regardless of whether they are economically active or not.

NS-SeC stands for National Statistics Socio-economic Classification.


Highest Level of Qualification (7 categories)

The highest level of qualification variable uses both the educational and vocational qualifications question, and the professional qualifications question. No qualifications: No academic, vocational or professional qualifications. Level 1: 1+ 'O' levels/CSE/GCSE (any grade), NVQ level 1, Foundation GNVQ. Level 2: 5+ 'O' levels, 5+ CSEs (grade 1), 5+ GCSEs (grade A - C), School Certificate, 1+ 'A' levels/'AS' levels, NVQ level 2, Intermediate GNVQ or equivalents. Level 3: 2+ 'A' levels, 4+ 'AS' levels, Higher School Certificate, NVQ level 3, Advanced GNVQ or equivalents. Level 4/5: First degree, Higher Degree, NVQ levels 4 - 5, HNC, HND, Qualified Teacher Status, Qualified Medical Doctor, Qualified Dentist, Qualified Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor or equivalents. Other qualifications/level unknown: Other qualifications (e.g. City and Guilds, RSA/OCR, BTEC/Edexcel), Other Professional Qualifications.


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