2011 Census - Origin-Destination tables released

We are pleased to announce the release of further statistics from the 2011 Census on 25 July 2014. This release consists of:

Origin-destination data (also known as flow data) includes the travel-to-work and migration patterns of individuals, cross-tabulated by variables of interest (for example age, sex). New products for the 2011 Census will also provide the migration patterns of those living at a student address one year ago and provide information on individuals with second residences.

There are three workplace tables in this release with full coverage of the UK. The remaining four, previously announced, tables covering migration and students are available for areas in England and Wales, and for those in Northern Ireland. National Records for Scotland who are responsible for the 2011 Census in Scotland have identified an issue with the Scottish results that needs to be resolved before publication. Full UK results will be published later in the year.

Further information on workplace and students for local authorities in the United Kingdom can be found on the ONS website

Further information on migration, workplace and second residences for local authorities and MSOAs in the England and Wales can be found on the ONS website