New Regional Annual Population Survey tables released

Regional Annual Population Survey (APS)

Nomis has had a range of tables covering APS data for many years. Although these tables have had many layers of geography available, they were largely designed around variable breakdowns that were sensible to attempt at a local authority level. This gave detailed geographic granularity, but often meant that the variables had to be collapsed to very broad bands.

On Wednesday 26th July 2017 we have released the first in a new set of APS tables that have been designed based around the region rather than local authority.

The new tables will not have the lower geographic levels that are available that are on other Nomis APS outputs. However, the increased sample at regional level allows for other variables to be broken down to much more granular level of detail than would work at local authority level.

The first of these tables are:

  • Labour market status by age link to data

    The age structure includes a 0-15 category, with quinnary age bands to beyond State Pension Age, including higher level bands. As well as the normal labour market statuses, employment is further broken down to full-time/part-time and employee/self-employed/other.

  • Employment by occupation link to data

    An occupation hierarchy giving including all four levels of the Standard Occupational Classification 2010.

  • Ethnicity by industry link to data

    Ethnicity by Standard Industrial Classification 2007 section. There are 9 ethnicity classifications by 18 industry sections.

Over the coming months we are looking to release more regional APS tables that will allow a wider range of variables to be explored in more granular depth.